This trick I got from others people article, If this trick or tips of Windows Xp By Passing Administrator or Admin doesn’t work because of new patch or something, I not take responsible of its. When you started Your Computer, you will got a message like Admin or Account Windows in Logon Window. To by passing this screen window Logon Admin, you must have Windows 2000 CD.
With this Windows 2000 CD you simply to boot your computer through Windows 2000 CD and boot up a windows XP box and start windows 200 Recovery Console, It’s a troubleshooting program.
Windows XP then allows you to operate Computer without need admin password, even if the Administrator account has a strong password. Its can be used for other user accounts that available in window Admin Logon screen. Of course, its can be used even if their account have passwords.
End of Windows XP Trick and Tips
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
By Pass Windows XP Administrator Log on