You want to change or customize title bar in Windows Media Player with your name or any other status or title? All you have to do just make few steps using regedit to change the string value in there. If you entered text like “Digitalizing Video Player by Free Windows Xp Tools and Tips”, it would read: Windows Media Player provided by Digitalizing Video Player by Free Windows Xp Tools and Tips. Below the steps that you must do.
First, open regedit window via Start >> Run >> Type “Regedit” (without quotes) >> Press Enter. Then, Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft . Creates the Key [WindowsMediaPlayer], Create String Value named [TitleBar]. Data Tpe:REG_SZ // Value Name: TitleBar . Thus, double click TitleBaar and Enter whatever text you want to be displayed in Windows Media Player title bar. Exit Registery windows XP and reboot it.
Test your new Title Bar Windows Media Player after you have reboot you Windows by running WMP. Did you see a new Title Bar Appear? I hope so. Enjoy it!
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Looking for Tweaking, Customizing, Editing, Tips, Trick, Help, Software Tools and Others of Windows XP Operating System? FreeWindowsXPTipsTools is the solution.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Customizing Windows Media Player Title Bar